Monday 17 October 2011

Locked Up For 7 Years Without Trial

Locked Up For 7 Years Without Trial

Babar Ahmad has been imprisoned without trial for over 7 years.

Thousands of emails have gone around about him, asking people to sign a petition, just so his plight can be raised for discussion in Parliament.

Sadly with only one month to go, there have only been 20,000 signatures.

80,000 more are needed.

Or he will be extradited to the USA for them to do as they please.

And we all know what that means, don’t we?

What faces Babar Ahmad should he be extradited to the US?

  • He will face the rest of his natural life in a Supermax Prison
  • He will be in solitary confinement for 22-23 hours per day
  • Regular body searches
  • Regular ‘extractions’ where fully kitted officers in riot gear ‘remove’ the prisoner by surprise and do a cell search which often results in serious physical damage to the prisoner
  • One call per month to a family or friend

As one senior Supermax officer put it,

“Do we have an obligation to take care of them? Yes. But do I have an obligation to provide him touching, feeling contact with another human being? I would say no. He has earned his way to [supermax] and he’s earned just the opposite. He’s earned the need for me to keep him apart from other people.”

Babar Ahmad has not done anything to deserve being sent to such a place and you can be a part of the campaign to have him tried here in the United Kingdom.

So, what can we do?

  1. Sign the petition and don’t forget to activate the link that is sent to your email address.
  2. Get every member in your household and extended family to sign it.
  3. If everyone could try to get at least 10 others to sign than we could actually reach the target of 100,000 signatures by 10th NOVEMBER 2011.
  4. Spread the word, tell others about this post.

We all have excuses, but what excuse will you give for not taking 2 minutes out of your time to simply sign a government e-petition?

Try to imagine how Babar must be feeling right now, only one month left and only 20,000 signatures of support.

I would have lost much hope but this is what he said to one of his sisters recently:

‘Whatever you do, never give up, because the only thing worse than failure is the failure to try’ -
Babar Ahmad, October 2011

The question is not whether you should sign the petition.

The question is what is stopping you from doing it and from getting others to do it?


Here’s how you can help before other matters make you forget.


You never know what something like this could do for an individual’s life and future.

Just a few things to clarify in case you’re thinking:

1. I am worried about giving my name and address to this

Addresses and email addresses are not published or accessible by any member of the public, 20,000 people have already signed this petition. Why would the Government spend time and resources chasing up on each of those 20,000 people in the middle of a recession when they have so many bigger issues to worry about-just because they signed a recognised and legitimate Government petition, acting within the law?

2) What difference would it make anyway? What’s the point?

It took one woman to cause a revolution in Egypt, billions of tiny drops of water come together to form the ocean.

3) I want to sign it but I have had so much on, I have been too busy to get to it.

This petition expires on 10th November 2011-then that opportunity to sign will be over.Imagine the feeling of sadness and regret if we miss out our target of 100,000 by just a small handful of signatures-that could have been if people didn’t procrastinate. Or worse still, seeing the news that Babar Ahmad has been put on a plane to the US.

Babar Ahmad is Innocent.

Remember: Everyone is innocent until proven guilty.

They have never charged Babar Ahmad with any crime.



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