Thursday 28 May 2009

Does Blogging Give You An Adantage Over Other - Static - Websites?

Does it ever occur to you why people write blogs and, what’s more interesting, why others read them?

One of the reasons I’ve found to be true is because bloggers tend to be seen by a lot of people like newspaper journalists or magazine columnists.

I know this to be true as I personally run a few blogs on a variety of topics, and their readerships run into the hundreds and even thousands per day.

One thing I’ve found is the more ‘newsy but opinionated’ type of posts I make, where I write my own opinion on a public matter, the more readers I get.

This type of information on blogs is more interesting to the average reader as it has a more personal feel to it due the the person writing in his or her own voice, unlike the media.

Also, when you make a blog post, it gives your readers the chance to make their own comments - either for or against what you write - read other material linked to your post… or link something themselves.

In effect, a blog is very interactive, which is one of its main attractions.

And blogging is trendy - anybody who is anybody seems to have a blog, and it gives you the a satisfaction of blending in… of being appreciated for your writing.

It’s a way to ’speak’ your mind on public interests and events.

It’s a chance say what you feel… about… anything.

It’s a medium of keeping a record of everything you write, and call upon it if and when you need it… easily accessible.

It’s a chance to get into print without having to go through a publisher and all the related hassles and headaches.

You can even use a blog, whether as a writer or a reader, as a medium of debate… a place to air your opinions… as long as you know there are rules of engagement in all areas of life and realise others have opinions, too.

And, blogs are a perfect way of marketing your business and keeping in touch with your customers, your employees, your associates and whoever else has an interest in your business.

Lets face it, a blog can be used in almost any way you want to use it, and it gives the added advantage of the ability to update as often as you would want to… as long as what you have to say is interesting and easy to read - as I hope this blog is.

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