Thursday 30 June 2011

The Top 17 Copywriting And Marketing Books You Should Read

The Top 17 Copywriting And Marketing Books You Should Read

Over the last couple of years I’ve studied a lot about copywriting and marketing. Some might say I’ve studied and little too much.


I thought I’d list here (some of) the books I’ve read – which I think you would benefit from – if you have any aspirations to become a copywriter and marketer.

They are in no particular order, but I would recommend you start with the top one. It’s two books in one and is perfect to get you started.

I might also add, if you want to do well, stick to these books.

In fact, some of them you might find a little expensive. In which case just get the ones you can afford.

Chances are, if you can only afford three of these, you’d do well to grab numbers 1, 2 and 3. I mention them because they are three of the best yet still the cheapest.

And read ALL of numbers 15 and 16, which cost you nothing.

Make no mistake, you get a world class education just from reading Gary’s free stuff. Underestimate this material at your peril.

  1. My Life in Advertising and Scientific Advertising – Claude Hopkins (This is two books in one)
  2. Tested Advertising Methods – John Caples (Fourth edition or earlier)
  3. How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling – Frank Bettger
  4. How to Write a Good Advertisement – Victor Schwab
  5. My first sixty years in advertising – Maxwell Sackheim
  6. Secrets of Successful Direct Mail – Richard Benson
  7. Breakthrough Advertising: How to Write Ads That Shatter Traditions and Sales Records – Eugene Schwartz
  8. The Robert Collier Letter Book – Robert Collier
  9. Commonsense Direct and Digital Marketing – Drayton Bird
  10. How to Write Sales Letters that Sell – Drayton Bird
  11. Ogilvy on Advertising – David Ogilvy
  12. Confessions of an Advertising Man – David Ogilvy
  13. The Lazy Man’s Way to Riches: How to Have Everything In The World You Really Want! (Revised ed.) – by Joe Karbo
  14. 7 steps to freedom: How to escape the American rat race – Ben Suarez
  15. The Gary Halbert Letter (all back issues) – by Gary Halbert (Free)
  16. The Boron Letters – by Gary Halbert (Free)

Now go to it. Remember, the only thing holding you back is you.

The Copy System

Newsflash: The “Information Age” Is Over

Newsflash: The “Information Age” Is Over

“The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.” - Albert Einstein

If you’re finally looking to the promise of the
“Information Age” as a whole new world of wealth
and opportunity… it just might be too late.

Anyway, I’m reading a book that makes that case.

It’s called “A Whole New Mind” by Daniel Pink. And
if you haven’t seen it yet, you should check it

Says Pink, it’s not so much that the “Information
Age” is dead. But that it’s evolved into something
that’s well beyond what a lot of people imagined it
would be.

No longer do we live to know. Instead, we aim to
understand. That’s an ironically cryptic statement,
so let me explain.

The “Information Age” and the wave of e-book
sellers, online marketers, e-letter writers, blog
authors, and e-service providers that have spilled
out of your computer monitor these last dozen years
or so all got their start by giving you, well,

Today, we’re drowning in it.

So much that we no longer crave more data. It’s
just not rare enough to be crave-worthy (think
about it… is there ANYTHING you couldn’t find,
right now, with Google and a few savvy keywords?).

What we now crave instead, says Pink, is context.
We want to know not so much “what” but “why.” In
short, we want someone to come along who can shut
down the noise, exclude the extraneous, and tell us
what it all means.

That person, possibly, is you.

By the way, says Pink, this is about a lot more
than just the selling of information products. It’s
about the selling of everything. And the careers we
choose… or should no longer choose… to follow.

Let me explain it this way: How did you do on your
SATs? If you’re outside the U.S., you might not
know what I’m talking about — the SATs are
standardized tests Americans have to take to get
into college.

We also have the LSATs for law school, the MCATS
for medical school, the GREs for other kinds of
graduate school, plus a whole lot more I’m sure I’m
forgetting. In other countries, they certainly have
something similar.

Frankly, I did pretty well on the SATs.

But, says a study cited by Pink, guess how much
high standardized scores like these alone predict
your college or career success these days.

Would you believe just 4 to 6%?

The problem is that the tests only reveal high
levels of what you and I usually know as “left-
brain” thinking. This is the analytical, detail-
gathering type of stuff that used to make you a
superstar doctor, lawyer, or person-who-really-
likes-to-analyze things.

That’s all good stuff.

But, says Pink, we’re moving into a world where
you’ll get a lot more mileage out of more developed
“right-brain” skills. Things like being able to
conceptualize the big picture and come up with
creative new solutions to conventional problems.

Is this really something brand new for poor,
slobbering working stiffs to learn… or just an
old skill that we’ll need to dust off for use in
the next new world?

It’s yours to say.

But Pink makes the case that big changes are gonna
come, if they haven’t already, due to at least
three big, new things.

FIRST, says Pink, you’ve got the problem of
abundance. It might not feel like it right now, in
the wake of the worldwide economic bust. But fact
is, millions more people have access to lots more
stuff than they have at any other time in history.

There’s a great quote from the book:

“The paradox of prosperity is that while living
standards have risen steadily decade after decade,
personal and family life satisfaction haven’t
budged. That’s why more people, liberated by
prosperity but not fulfilled by it, are resolving
the paradox by searching for meaning.”

In other words, for awhile there, you could soothe
itch inside your mind and that salivating center of
your soul by buying a new flatscreen TV or
splurging on the leather seats for your new car.

But no longer.

Says Pink, “In an age of abundance, appealing only
to rational, logical, and functional needs is
woefully insufficient… if things are not also
pleasing to the eye or compelling to the soul, few
will buy them. There are too many other options.
Mastery of design, empathy, play and other
seemingly soft aptitudes are now the main way for
individuals and firms to stand out in a crowded

SECOND, he says, is Asia.

Think about this: For about $15,000 a year, you can
hire a top-notch software programmer in India.
That’s not even a starvation wage here, but about
20 times what the average Indian makes.

In the U.S., it used to cost about $75,000 annually
to get the same kind of software talent. Now, more
than half the Fortune 500 companies farm that work
overseas. Meanwhile, India alone graduates another
350,000 software programmers per year.

And it’s not just software.

Accountants in the Philippines do U.S. audits for
Ernst & Young. Russian engineers design chips for
Intel and Cisco. Architects in Hungary draw up
basic blueprints for firms in California.

Even Wall Street is hiring overseas number
crunchers and, yes, writers to cover markets and
create financial reports on the U.S. market.

The “Information Age” that replaced our
“Manufacturing Age” is literally going the same
route, to cheaper workers overseas. And yes, all
THEY need is an online connection and a laptop to
make it happen. The dream exists the way it was
promised, but for someone else.

THIRD, says Pink, is automation.

Used to be that you had to pay thousands of dollars
to an accountant if you needed anything beyond a
simple tax filing. Today, you can pay about $39 and
get fancy financial footwork out of a software

Lawyers are seeing it too. People used to pay
billable hours for lawyers to hunt down legal forms
– now you can do that online, free, and pay only a
fraction of the original cost to get help filling
it out.

Even doctors aren’t immune (did you see what I did
there, with the word play?. A lot of a doctor’s job
has been ticking off a checklist of symptoms and
narrowing down on a possible diagnosis.

But computers can do that. And sometimes, a lot
more efficiently. Doctors don’t like it when you
look up your own symptoms on the Internet. But I
haven’t been to one once in the last 15 years who
didn’t eventually come around to agreeing with what
I’d already found online.

Point being, with all these huge shifts, you’ll see
a lot less in the “knowledge” jobs that seemed to
matter so much in the last era… and a lot more
opportunity in what might seem like more soft,
right-brained fields.

That is, if you’re the type who can figure out what
other people care about… if you’re good at seeing
the big picture… and if you’re good at explaining
it in simple, interesting terms… you’re in luck.

Because that’s where we’re headed.

Pink didn’t say this, but you have to wonder, is
this need for that aura of meaning a possible
explanation for the new opinion-saturated spin of
news networks these days? Is it the reason Apple
has a near-religious following for their products
or why millions of mainstream Americans have taken
up yoga?

I’m guessing yes.
And if this keeps going, it’s going to
revolutionize — among other things — selling. In
a lot of ways maybe it already has.

Good selling today already tries to connect on a
higher level than features alone. It is why, for
instance, emotional pitches connect best.

But like everything else, it’s looking more clear
that we’ll all have to up the ante. You’ll have to
find that persuasive deeper meaning in everything
you write copy for, be it a life-changing program
or a packet of crackers. In a word, sell

Or risk getting left behind.

John Forde
Guest Contributor


Over the last 19 years, John Forde’s direct-response
copy helped generate hundreds of millions of dollars
and has won him several awards, including AWAI’s
“Copywriter of the Year.” John has also mentored dozens
of successful writers and regularly helps lead copy
training programs in Europe and the U.S. You can get
more of his insights on copywriting free from his

Do You Make These Mistakes In English?

Do You Make These Mistakes In English?

I’m a bit of an aficionado when it comes to adverts. I love the old classics.

And, if you’re anything like me, you may have heard of an ad written by Maxwell Sackheim for the Sherwin Cody English course.

The headline for this ad was…

“Do You Make These Mistakes in English?”

This ad out-pulled all others for the product and ran for around 40 years.

In fact, see what Sackheim himself said about it:

“That ad was one of the determining factors in putting my name in the all-time Copywriters Hall of Fame…Other copywriters compared its results with a lot of other ads but ‘Do You Make These Mistakes In English’ always came out best.”

english Do You Make These Mistakes In English?

Let’s take a look at why this advert was so successful.

The first thing you might notice is that it just looks like something you might want to read. It doesn’t look like so many typical adverts might do.

If you look at the photograph of Sherwin Cody, there’s a quality about it that seems to draw you in. He just looks authoritative… someone who may have something of importance to say.

And, the thing which stands out most to me (and maybe to you), is the value the copy provides. There’s information in there that could be worth taking the time to read.

And, if you continue to read, you find that, indeed, the information is of value to the target audience.

When you read on you realise the way it’s written. You get the impression the writer really knows his market. As if he is the market.

Now let’s get down to specifics.

The headline, “Do You Make These Mistakes in English?” is speaking directly to the intended audience.

First, it addresses him or her by the use of ‘You’, making it personal to the reader.

Who is the reader? The one who makes ‘Mistakes in English’.

Then it states, specifically, ‘These Mistakes’, highlighting the fact there’s information of value in the body copy.

Take a look at this last part again, the word ‘these’ grabs the reader’s attention. It points to specific mistakes in English. This fact alone makes you want to read on to find out what ‘these’ mistakes are. The curiosity value.

The question is literally directing you to the answer, which is in the body copy. If you want to find out what ‘these mistakes’ are, you have to read on.

And, when you do, you get a free lesson in English, which pulls you in, ensuring you read the rest of the ad. In fact, it doesn’t even seem like an ad: Just some valuable information.

Then, after you’ve had a taste of what’s to come, the ad has set you up to go further.

But it makes it even easier for you.

You can even order a free book and a 15 minutes test, which are the perfect components to get you to sign up and make the order.

A perfect close.

The Copy System

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Dumbest Way To Promote Your Site

Dumbest Way To Promote Your Site

A few days ago I was watching a series of DVDs on blogging. It was about 10 hours long and some of the stuff was … okay. Most of it was way off.

One technique the guy uses is to get college kids to link their “.edu” pages to his site. By offering them some kind of incentive, of course. And that was, in his words, “perfectly legitimate”.

Does that sound legitimate to you?

He also said article marketing – distributing articles to directories – is the way to go. Maybe it was once upon a time. Not any more. Although if done right, it can still work. If done right.

But what kept niggling me was his page rank. Because, being the nosey guy I am – some might say ‘curious’ – I checked his site. It was PR3.

Why was his site losing page rank?

Maybe this will shed some light on the matter.

Earlier toady I was reading an article on the Forbes blog by Inder Sidhu, and guess what?

He said:

Because .edu pages don’t normally drive commercial traffic, Google considers them to be important sources of information and ranks them high in Internet searches. Overstock’s attempt to exploit this insight helped increase its visibility on Or at least it did until it changed its tactics. Afterwards, Google announced changes designed to penalize those who try to artificially boost their results through questionable search engine optimization (SEO) techniques and other methods.

Right or wrong, Google now considers that a ‘black-hat’ technique.

So we know why he’s lost page rank.

Question is, why didn’t he do something about it before? My guess he’s fallen foul of what Inder Sidhu warns about in this line:

Be careful when it comes to technology you may not fully understand.

That’s something he should have kept tabs on. And so should the rest of us, especially as the internet – particularly Google – is constantly changing. If you don’t, that’ll be the dumbest way to lose your site’s visibility.

If you want to promote your site for maximum visibility, keep up with the technology. It doesn’t take much. All you need to do is read the latest news on the subject. Google might be a good place to start.


How Long Should You Keep Mailing And Emailing People?

How Long Should You Keep Mailing And Emailing People?

How Long Should You Keep Mailing And Emailing People?

If you find what I’m about to suggest pathetically obvious, I’m sorry. Many of the things I’ll put to you are.

And the reason is simple. Although we may know things, far too often we don’t do them.

Let me tell you something one of my clients used to do. They banged out the same (not very brilliant) e-mail week after week after week.

Let me guess what you’re thinking. Is it something like this?

Isn’t that far too often? And anyhow, if they sent out a variety of imaginative ones they’d do better.

Well, they do it for two reasons.

  1. Because it works. And it works because you never know when prospects will buy, so you have to keep plugging away.
  2. Because it’s better than nothing. And they’re so busy fighting alligators that they’d probably send out nothing if they weren’t careful.

I constantly see clients who squander priceless days and weeks – even months – over small details that will make little or no difference – when they should just get on with it.

As the French writer Voltaire, put it over 250 years ago, The best is the enemy of the good.

Five years ago my partner and I went to see two firms in the same city on the same day.

One spent six months having meetings about the copy we suggested – in fact I have no idea if it ever went out.

The other got the mailing we proposed out within a week, and were our biggest client within three months. Today they are the leading firm in their field.

This has little to do with us. But it has everything to do with two things.

1. They communicate more than their competitors. Once they have a prospect they keep everlastingly at that prospect. I once asked their marketing director how long they keep mailing and e-mailing people. “Until they give in,” he replied.

2. They don’t sit around wasting hot air on whether something will work or not. They get on with it.

The American expert Richard V. Benson said,

“There are two answers to every problem.

Answer #1: Test everything.

Answer #2: Refer to answer #1.”

People test to find out whether one message will work better than another. But there is another, even simpler reason. It is to eliminate useless discussion. Why waste time? Let the customers decide for you!

I’ll wager that if you communicate more often than your competitors, you will outdo them. Keep at it till it doesn’t pay … then give it a rest and try again.

There is a direct relationship between profit and communication. The more you tell the more you sell.

If you spend 5 minutes a day thinking of reasons to talk to your prospects and customers – things that might benefit or interest them (not you) – you will find it the best ROI you ever had.

By the way, let me know if you have particular questions or problems. There’s hardly any kind of business or marketing discipline we haven’t had experience of.
