Saturday 27 June 2009

How to Get Set Up In One Hour

Yesterday my brother got a new pair of sun glasses.

He loves his toys.

You see, my brother is older than me and handicapped, both physically and mentally.

In effect, even though he’s in his mid 40s he’s still a child.

So when he got the new sun glasses he was running around showing them to everyone.

This morning my little boy ran downstairs, with my brother behind him, laughing and saying, “Look, dad, he’s already broken them”.

One side was broken but that was no surprise to me as it’s quite a regular occurrence, so I just ignored it.

Then I saw my son, 8 years old and the younger of two boys, putting the glasses back together with duct tape.

I left them and began to read my emails.

Two minutes later my brother came running into my office to show me the sun glasses he had put on.

He was happy — he could put them on again and the fact they were still broken was irrelevant.

Why am I telling you this?

Look, when something breaks you could cry about it and complain there’s nothing you can do, or you can use some ‘duct tape’ to repair it and carry on as before.

Sure, it may not be ideal, but it’s better than not doing anything at all.

By putting the tape on, my brother at least has his sun glasses… and they’ll suffice until he gets a new pair.

Even my 8 year old boy knows this.


P.S. Sometimes it’s the things which take no time at all to do which bring us the best results. You can work on that ebook for months or years and still be waiting to achieve something. Or, you can get off your butt, do something in an hour and get the kind of results you could only dream about before. The really cool thing about Russell Brunson’s Micro Continuity program is that it shows you exactly how to do exactly that — create a product and sales page and get it up and running making money in an hour.

Check it out here Micro Continuity… he’s also giving away a preloaded MP3 with information from a Micro Continuity program costing thousands.

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