Thursday 11 February 2010

Why Bother to Learn Copywriting?

Why should you bother to spend your valuable
time learning the fine art of copywriting?

Here's why.

Entrepreneurs can multiply their income by 10, 15,
or even 100 times when they can write sales copy.

Plus, you can make big money as a freelancer. The
business world desperately needs copywriters. And
that goes for all media, including magazines, news-
papers, direct mail and the Internet.

There are at least a dozen good reasons to learn the
secrets of writing great copy.

** What Learning How to Write Copy
Can Do For You **

1. Earn unlimited active and passive income from
upfront fees and royalties on sales. Many of my
readers and protégés routinely earn from $150,000
to over $500,000 per year. Some superstars earn
over $1,000,000 per year.

2. Become a far more successful executive or
entrepreneur. Your leadership skills will be much
stronger as you discover how to "walk in someone
else's shoes."

3. Become able to successfully market virtually
any product or service. You can market yourself
or your own business. Or service outside clients.
Or both.

4. Improve your ability to create a powerful
Unique Selling Proposition (U.S.P.) for any company
product or service. You'll discover how to
differentiate your company or yourself, which will
result in a higher level of success.

5. Discover no less than 7 psychological "hot
buttons" that cause people to buy. Most marketers
have no clue as to more than one or two of them.
You then will increase your success by becoming
better able to predict human behavior.

6. Live a lifestyle of which others only dream.
Enjoy more personal freedom to live and work
anywhere in the world. You can write successful
sales copy from a beautiful island, a great city, a
small town, or in any country in the world that
suits you best.

7. By becoming more articulate, you will
automatically improve your negotiating skills.
This enormously valuable trait will help you in
your business and your life.

8. Improved communication skills can result in
your being able to produce a wide variety of
income-producing products. These include
books, newsletters, e-zines, articles and special
reports. You'll find it's rewarding in many ways
to earn money while you sleep.

9. As you sharpen your communication skills,
you can become a far better public speaker, a
terrific asset in any job or business. And as a
highly paid consultant.

10. Become more appealing to others. As a
copywriter, by necessity you will discover that
rare quality of being able to change places with
others. This makes you a more sensitive, likable

11. To succeed in business, you must learn to
sell effectively and without pressure. You will
master the dying art of effective salesmanship.
Successful copy is salesmanship in print.

12. You’ll become a far better judge of other
copywriters you may wish to hire or be
responsible to manage.

** Writers are made, not born **

Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to
be a born writer. I certainly was not.

Your correspondent,
Ted Nicholas


“This article appears courtesy of THE SUCCESS
MARGIN, the Internet’s most valuable success and
marketing e-zine. For a complimentary
subscription, visit

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