Saturday 10 April 2010

What's The Difference Between A Good Advert And A Bad One?

I was in London last week, visiting my mum.

While lounging around and watching a little TeeVee (I don't have one at home), I couldn't help but criticise the vast majority of what's supposed to pass for advertising.

My younger brother, a lawyer and much more intellingent than I could hope to be, couldn't understand why.

You see, like too many people, my brothers have the notion that if an advert looks good and wins awards, then it's a success.

So I asked my brother one simple question...

"Assume you've just paid an agency to create an ad for you. It's looks good; it entertains its audience; and it even wins awards. But... it fails to get you any sales. You make no money from it.  Basically, that agency has just used your money to improve its own profile. How would you feel?"

He replied he wouldn't be too pleased.

Then I asked him if he understood the difference between a good ad and a bad one. And he replied he did.

A good ad is one which makes money for the advertiser.  A bad ad is one which doesn't.

End of story.

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