Sunday 10 July 2011

What Is Blogging And Why Should It Matter To You?

What Is Blogging And Why Should It Matter To You?

As a communication tool the internet is now the fastest way to keep in touch with friends anywhere in the world.

As an information tool, the internet is without doubt the richest source for researching more or less any subject you can possibly think of.

In short, the internet affects the lives of possibly the majority of the people in the entire world.

The internet can even be a used as a tool for expressing yourself in ways which were never before possible.

One way in which this is accomplished through the use of blogs.

What is a blog?

A blog is a medium through which we, personally, can express our feelings and air our opinions.

It’s a way of spreading news, and even gossip.

It’s a way of doing business and making a little extra cash.

It’s a way of venting our anger and frustrations in public.

It’s a way of telling others about the great new car we bought and how we feel about it as we drive down the highway with sunroof down, feeling the wind in our hair.

It’s a way of laughing at ourselves by telling everyone how we felt when the heavens suddenly opened up and let loose a shower of hailstones before we could get the sunroof back up.

And, it’s a way of having fun with our thoughts.

It’s an online diary… a weblog.

And All that from a small, almost insignificant looking website.

We can update as regularly as we like, or not.

We can add pictures and videos and all sorts of documents to it… and we can link to other sites from it.

And, hopefully if our information is interesting, other sites will link to it.

And it is for some, or all, of the above reasons that ‘blogging’ is so attractive to people everywhere.

Whatever the reason, it’s a way of making ourselves heard by others, specifically people who share our interests.

Blogs start out as simple websites and can be as complex as we want them to be… it’s entirely up to us.

We can stick news on them and make them completely information focused; we can talk about our hobbies… or… we can just try to be funny.

The point is to fill it with information people will want to read over and over, and keep coming back for more.

Now, while blogs are seemingly insignificant, they have grown to be more popular, attracting more attention, than large websites which are professionally designed.

How is that possible?

Well, for a start, blogs are usually focused on a specific subject and is continually updated, which means people will keep coming back.

Large websites tend to be more static and never changing.

Blogs also link to other sites which means there are usually more sites linking back to it.

And, when there are links to your blog from other sites, chances are better people will click the links from there to come to your site… even if it’s just out of curiosity.

That also mean your site receives more traffic than static websites.

And, if your site has more traffic, it ranks higher in the search engines.

If it ranks higher in the search engines, it is easier to find by people doing the searching.

Blogging, in short, has gone from being an online diary to a possible fully fledged business outlet, if that’s your aim.

So, whatever your reasons, blogging is something which can be utilised for any number of things.

Why not give it a try?

Let me know if I can help in any way.


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